27 gennaio 2013

la grottesca, la decorazione per eccellenza...

Ecco alcune grottesche riprese da Palazzo Vecchio di Firenze, dal Castello di Chantilly in Francia e altre più contemporanee riprese dal Web.
Solo un assaggio del mio archivio dedicato alla decorazione....

Here are some grotesque from Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, from Château de Chantilly and other more contemporary grotesque from the Web.
Just a little part of my archive dedicated to decoration ....

16 gennaio 2013

Farrow and Ball ... paints and wallpapers

At Farrow & Ball we are devoted to producing unparalleled paints and wallpapers that transform homes around the world. We are paint perfectionists, creating unmatched paint colours using only the finest ingredients and age-old methods which have withstood the test of time and the passage of many a fickle fad. We also make handcrafted wallpaper created using our own paints to print designs onto paper using traditional block and trough printing methods, which is what gives them their uniquely beautiful texture.
La Farrow & Ball si dedica alla produzione di colori e carte da parati. La FARROW & BALL è perfezionista nella produzione del colore ed utilizza solo i migliori ingredienti e gli antichi metodi per resistere all'usura del tempo e al cambiamento delle mode. Crea anche carte da parati artigianali decorate con disegni stampati su carta utilizzando metodi tradizionali. Questo conferisce alle loro carte da parati caratteristiche di grande resistenza e di unica bellezza. 

Spesso anch'io trovo un grande aiuto nell'utilizzo dei prodotti Farrow and Ball......

le chinoiseries

Il termine Cineserie deriva dal francese "Chinoiserie" e si riferisce ad un periodo dell'arte europea, a partire dal XVII secolo, in cui si ebbe una notevole influenza dell'arte cinese[1], anche sulla scia di un crescente interesse che l'Europa aveva sviluppato per tutto ciò che fosse esotico, in generale.

Nella decorazione d'interni molti monarchi europei, come Luigi XV di Francia, diedero grande rilievo alle cineserie, miscelandole con lo stile rococo. Intere stanze, come quelle al Castello di Chantilly, vennero dipinte con cineserie ed artisti come Antoine Watteau ed altri portarono grande maestria nello stile.[2] Padiglioni di svago nel "gusto cinese" divennero comuni nel tardo barocco e nel rococò tedesco e russo, oltre che in pannelli di piastrelle ad Aranjuez vicino Madrid. Interi villaggi cinesi vennero costruiti a Drottningholm in Svezia ed a Carskoe Selo in Russia. I tavoli da tè e le vetrine in mogano di Thomas Chippendale, erano abbelliti con trafori, vetri ed inferriate, intorno al 1753-1770, ma omaggi ai primi sobri arredamenti della Dinastia Qing erano anche abbastanza comuni. Non tutti gli oggetti realizzati secondo i principi di progettazione cinese rientrarono però fra le "cineserie".

Chinoiseries this term derives from the French "Chinoiserie" and refers to a period of European art,seventeenth century, which had a remarkable influence of the Chinese [1], even in the wake of a growing interest in the 'Europe had developed for everything that was exotic in general.
In interior decorating many European monarchs, such as Louis XV of France, gave great prominence to chinoiserie, mixing them with the rococo style. Entire rooms, such as the Château de Chantilly, were painted with chinoiserie and artists such as Antoine Watteau and others brought great skill in style. [2] Pavilions leisure in the "Chinese taste" became common in the late Baroque and Rococo German and Russian, as well as in tile panels at Aranjuez near Madrid. Entire Chinese villages were built in Drottningholm in Sweden and Tsarskoe Selo in Russia. The tea tables and cabinets in mahogany Chippendale Thomas, were decorated with tracery windows and railings, around 1753-1770, but sober homages to early Qing Dynasty furniture were also quite common. Not all items made in accordance with the design principles, however, between the Chinese returned "chinoiserie."

8 gennaio 2013

Coco and Forget me not....

Coco is one of my favorite stylist and designer. The scarves forget me not are a source of great inspiration for me and my work.
Coco after five years studying fine arts in Paris, forged a successful career as a communication consultant for leading French and Belgium fashion designers and couture houses. She now also creates imagery for major retail brands and publications spanning both the independent and mainstream press, including Vogue, ELLE, Nylon and Muse. Her approach mixes several techniques, combining old-school processes such as painting and hand-drawing with digital techniques. For the finished product, she balances a mix of visual restraint and minimalism with a more leftfield and pop-friendly approach. Her work has been published in numerous publications including Taschen, Gestalten,Victionary and several exhibitions in London, Los Angeles and Barcelona.
Forget Me Not is a concept that revolves around Coco’s own peculiar visual universe and most notably the encounter between several of her particular fields of interest. These include the collage works of the modernist avant-garde, Surrealism, montage as a way of enchanting reality, geometric patterns – especially in esoteric imagery, animals seen as totems, the talismanic power of the object and literary references ranging from childrens’ tales to fin-de-siècle novels.